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UPFLŌ Community

Share, learn, evolve.

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Times are changing and so is your company, that's where we come in!

UPFLŌ is a unique online professional services platform dedicated to businesses that offers a combination of business and technology project management services, as well as staff recruitment and placement solutions.

Our interactive platform gives you immediate access to project management and staffing teams to help you achieve your growth and transformation objectives.

Our mission is to help companies increase their human capacity while reducing costs and lead times, by giving them access to the combined expertise of the best talent on the market to propel their businesses to new heights.

We believe in the power of collaboration and innovation. By combining our professional recruitment and project management services, we create tailored solutions that meet your needs from start to finish, enabling you to meet the challenges of today's business world with full confidence.

Our corporate culture

People are at the heart of our practices and our success.

The UPFLŌ community offers you much more than just a professional network, it's a dynamic whole that encourages the sharing of experience, knowledge and support between members. We've built a space where each individual can flourish by valuing synergy and ongoing exchange between peers. With the many networking events in which members are invited to participate, we give life to enriching encounters where the resulting opportunities are all the more rewarding.

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Our mission

We aspire to render strategic coaching, project management and staffing services accessible, simple and fast to break down the barriers that limit companies' full potential and thus enable them to achieve hyper-growth in a healthy and sustained way.

By placing inclusion and accessibility at the heart of our mission, we remain convinced that every company, whatever its size, deserves access to experts in its field.

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Our vision

We are passionate about supporting growth by influencing constant evolution. We offer customized solutions to address today's business challenges.

Via our interactive platform, you gain rapid access to teams of project management experts and teams of recruitment specialists. Our priority is to allow our customers to concentrate on developing their business.


At the heart of our approach lies our ability to structure our customers' needs. We work with you as you evolve, understanding your mission and providing customized support.


Being a key pillar of our strategy, collaboration promotes a productive and harmonious environment. By bringing everyone's skills forward and working towards common goals, we encourage creativity and innovation.


Growth is our relentless motivation. We strive for excellence and hyper-growth through continuous improvement and optimization, creating a culture of continuous evolution and innovation.


We firmly believe in the importance of honesty, respect and transparency in all our interactions. We are dedicated to upholding the highest ethical standards.

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UPFLŌ Academy

Take advantage of a variety of learning courses and tools to boost various spheres of your business.

The UPFLŌ Academy supports every individual who is part of the community in the growth of their professional career. Regardless of your status, the platform offers you privileged access to a multitude of tools, courses, articles and even the opportunity to participate in our networking events to chat with companies and entrepreneurs in your area.

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